
What effect would an additional interest rate hike have on property prices in Australia?

  A few property analysts and economists have predicted that house prices would fall this year and 2023 because of rising interest rates. There is still a good chance that property value will rise regardless of interest rates . Let's take a look at the past performance and how our research led us to this conclusion. Australians who recently bought a home have a mortgage which must be repaid with interest. We all know that interest rates have increased in recent months, with the Reserve Bank threatening to increase them further in order to lower inflation. It is very difficult to control inflation once it has established itself. Economists worry that rising interest rates could make housing more expensive and reduce buyer demand, which will in turn lead to lower prices. It is understandable that rising borrowing costs will result in lower buyer demand and prices will fall. However, property prices have risen during this period. The interest rates have also risen. The major banks hav...

What effect would an interest rate hike have on property prices in Australia?

Economists & a few property analysts have predicted that house prices will drop this year and in 2023 due to rising interest rates. However, there is a high possibility that  property values will continue to increase . Let's dive right in and look at how past performances combined with our research process helped us arrive at this conclusion. Australians who have bought a house recently have a mortgage that needs to be repaid with interest. We all know very well there has been an increase in interest rates recently in May 2022 and worry that the Reserve Bank may soon increase interest rates further to reduce inflation. Once inflation takes root, it is difficult to control. Economists fear that rising interest rates will make housing more expensive and lower buyer demand which in turn will lead to lower prices. It makes sense that rising borrowing costs will lead to lower buyer demand, and consequently prices will fall. However, during this time, property prices have still...

Generate fixed income by using your superannuation

  A self-managed super fund (SMSF) allows Australians who have superannuation to invest in property. You can't purchase a home with an intention to live in it when using your superannuation. The SMSF is an easy method to generate a  fixed income from property investment . A fund may have up to four members. Each member has the right to decide how to invest in their superannuation. While you could still invest in shares, many people include homes in their retirement or investment plans. An SMSF can be complicated to establish. For a complete understanding of your responsibilities as well as the correct setup, it's a good idea for professional financial advice. An SMSF can invest in direct property investment, which is a significant advantage. Funds can be used to purchase residential or commercial properties. A fund is allowed to borrow a fraction of the value of the property. Because of the nature of legal structures, rules govern this activity.

Key differences between price and value when considering to buy an investment property

  People talk about the purchase of their houses. Many say that it was bought at a fair price and their house is valued at an exact price. However, there is a significant difference between price and value when buying an investment property     While value and price are often used interchangeably when selling or buying a property they still have their own distinctive characteristics which you should consider to make informed decisions regarding your property investment .   Low-priced listings can be tempting, but it might not pay off in the long-term. If a property looks cheap, it could have all the problems that come with cheap realty, including a poor community, low rental income or an infrastructure that is severely lacking. While price is important when you are looking for a property to buy, you must also consider other factors such as the potential return on investment. Some properties are priced above their fair market value.   They may cost you thousands ...